[M]ass Suicide

OOC blah would go here

Swimming was one of the few things the pale woman found completely relaxing, the movement of the waves and how the water muffled sounds and allowed her to block everything out was truly sensational. And so it was that a love of the sea kept Gemma away from her and Giuseppe's cave for a long time, causing her to miss Giuseppe's beating and possible murder of his brother. Water still dripped from her wet white pelt, the fur sticking to her form and revealing even more the stark contrast of her curvaceous and well proportioned body. Her clothes were stuffed into her satchel willy nilly, she wasn't really bothered if they creased or not.

She reached the entrance to the sleeping caves and shook herself vigorously, droplets flew from her and sprayed onto the surrounding wall and floors. When the majority of the excess water had been removed she considered smoothing down the spiky fur before deciding against it and carrying on, it looked more attractive in a bad girl kind of way. She hoped Giuseppe would be surprised if he was home, or maybe she could even catch Teo lurking around and try and get him to play. Bold smile curved her muzzle and with that sexy thought she made her way back to her cave. The first inkling she had that something was wrong floated on the air in the form of blood scent.

Instinctively she began to move towards the smell and began to panic slightly when it lead her closer and closer to the cave she called home, stopping outside of her door and finding blood scent pouring from it made her clutch her ears in despair before she roughly shouldered her way inside. What she saw had her stopping in her tracts and her satchel dropping from lifeless slack fingers, blue eyes stared dumbly at the scene before her, Teo slowly bleeding out on the bed surrounded by blankets, then an explosion of activity,

"Oh my god! Teo!" As much as the girl part of her brain wanted to shriek and scream the practical side wouldn't let it, instead she darted to the other end of the cave and grabbed up the small medical kit she had put together. It wasn't much, just some clean strips of cloth to use as bandages and a few herbs to help blood clot. She sat down next to him on the edge of the bed and began to look him over to see where he was bleeding from, she needn't ask no questions as to who had done this, she already knew. She was furious not only with Giuseppe but with herself for being so selfish and trying to have time away from people, she hadn't been here to stop this. Tears filled her eyes and overflowed down her snowy cheeks as she began to tie the bandages around his wrists, trying to stem the bleeding for now.

"Teo, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, this is all my fault, I'm so selfish."

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