My fair Maiden

Sooo sorry for the wait @_@

Word Count → 639

When I'm awake, I'm still dreaming.

With the sun so inviting, it was hard for the pale princess to ignore its beckoning light. The cheerful birds and buzzing honey bees only added to the flavors of spring, further delighting the female to slip on her daffodil-colored dress and fling her arms out to the day. Her dark, pinned-up hair bounced as with each step that Giselle took, delighting in the warm weather and the colorful lands she had ventured into.

Giselle began to hum a tune along with nature's song, not unusual for the sparkling girl, as her twirling steps were leading her back to Halifax. It was not a few days ago that she met the magical talking cat, who spoke the language of the wolves, and the young girl was hoping to run into those whimsical emerald eyes again.

Powder blue eyes did not settle upon the outskirts of the human city until the following morning, also having been sidetracked by the sights of wild flowers, and birds with a myriad of colors upon their beating wings. A dainty hand brushed past foliage, looking upon the city thoughtfully. The brown and white head of her companion popped out from the satchel at her waist, whiskers twitching as he looked from his caretaker to the big city. 'You going to go look for that.. cat.. again?' The stoat said, nearly spitting out the type of creature it was. Giselle gave a mock sigh and stroked her young friend's head. "Oh, come on Tux, he wasn't going to hurt us. Especially not as something as cute as you~" She said in a light and comforting tone, the hand that stroked his head now falling to stroke his chin.

Despite the weasel's slight protest, however, Giselle continued on, filling the air with yet another tune as she slowly made her way out of the forest. Her melody ended abruptly and she froze in place, however, when the bushes rustled behind her. "Element?" Giselle asked, fingertips curled as she looked over her shoulder. Tux began his shrills, the back of his neck prickling anxiously. 'Giselle, let's get out of--' His words were cut off, though, as the sound of louder growling, as the form of a cougar emerged from a distance. The young girl's shoulders tensed, knowing that her tune had brought the big cat to her. As with all creatures, though, the young girl believed it was friendly. "Hello there." Her tone was polite, yet curious, but every muscle inside of her screamed to get away. It wasn't until the cougar roared that 'Elle gave way to her senses, and bolted.

The pale girl screaming as she darted into the woods, hearing as the woods crashed behind her, knowing the creature was closing in. "Ahhh! Somebody, help us~!" Giselle screamed, pushing herself as far and as fast as she could go on two legs. Daring to look behind her, she could not see the animal, but knew it was close, and without looking where she was going her foot tripped over a log and her body was flung into a dip in the earth. "Oof!" She cried out, but knew she had no time as Giselle fumbled to get up again, her dress stained by the forest. Hands attempted to claw their way to the edge of the ditch, but it was a bit too high and steep for her to climb out. Worrying sounds escaped her as she tried again and again, but cream-tipped ears pinned back against her head when she heard the cougar's growling just above.

Pressing her back against the dirt wall, she watched the big creature walk up to the edge of the ditch, it's muscles tensed. Giselle could only stand there, her body shaking, fearfully awaiting for the wicked thing to jump down and do what it did best.

Image courtesy of Barbara Cannnela@Flickr; table template by the Mentors!

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