a story at three


As much as Alae would have enjoyed to paint the creamy parts of her fur with different colors (sans the colors found in tattoos), unfortunately all of her colors plus the ones added probably wouldn't look as appealing nor matching with the hues and patterns that were already embedded in her pelt from her genes. The closest she would ever to get to coloring would be of tebori tattoos or any tattoos for that matter. At least it worked to his advantage, as white was always a blank canvas for no matter what. Grinning as he mentioned the natural patterns in her pelt, her sky blue eyes glanced down to the fur she could see on her arms. "I suppose you're right, too. Wish it could be easier to change pelts like it is to change the clothes we wear sometimes." Alae spoke, which made her ponder about the human civilization even more. They were so flexible with their style, from all the clothes and embellishments they wore. It was known through historical contexts that humans didn't have fur (although the only 'fur' they had was on their heads), and even there they had great flexibility with dying their hair on their heads. It wasn't as easy for the Luperci to do the same nowadays.

Every individual she encountered with some sort of tattoo or colored scarring noted about the specific 'job' tattoos had. It led her curiosity to question the integrity of his own symbols permanently marked on his body. "Do you mind me asking what significance your tattoos have for you?" Alae asked, as she was always fascinated behind the stories and lore of tattoos others had on their bodies. Most were secretive about it, like the dark coyote Alae met not too long ago along the Quartz Shoreline. There was a deep spiral engraved in her shoulder, and spoke vaguely about its purpose to bleed the wolf from her. Alae wasn't sure what that exactly symbolized, but it was fascinating enough. As the pair progressed toward the underground system of Anathema, he offered any skins that might be of beneficial use to her. The Sidhe felt spoiled and grateful in that moment. "Oh, you don't have to, but thank you. I'll take a look of what you have, and let you know." Alae said in a kind response. This day turned in an interesting twist as she was led underground. Diligently following after, Alae was instantly intrigued when the two were engulfed by darkness.

Not used to the darkness, her eyesight had to adjust to the darkness but it was easy enough to be guided by dim candlelight to his dwelling. Immediately taking to the stash of needles he possessed, her stomach flipped in anxiousness of the sharp points and of the remembrance of pain experienced with her tattoo. While she didn't bring colors with her, he did have two that matched the faded hues she had on her lotus as is. "I didn't, but this light pink and the yellow is similar to what I have on my arm already. Those will work." Alae confirmed, and couldn't believe this was about to happen. She had to admit her nerves were a little uneasy about experiencing such pain upon previous wounds again, but a little touch up in the long run certainly wouldn't hurt (no pun intended).

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