[M]ass Suicide

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Teo struggled weakly again when her grip tightened, wincing slightly. He looked her dead in the eyes, glaring all the same. This is all your fault. He wanted to scream, but he felt too tired to try. When she asked what she'd lied to him about, he felt his ears fall back against his head. Giuseppe told me so. His voice was bitter and accusing, despite how tired he felt. He told me that you and Demi and... Alaki... don't care. The mention of Alaki made the bitter tone fail, his voice shifting to that of someone with a broken heart. Broken.

That reminder was a trigger. He freaked, throwing himself back against the wall with a heavy thud and teeth baring as he shrieked. You told me you'd be my friend! You lied to me! You don't care! Go away! Go away! He thrashed a bit, though his attempts were weak. Giuseppe told me so! He's the only one who cares! His fight faded, head lowering. He told me so... he loves me... only him... only Giuseppe... He shrank down a bit, shaking. ...he loves me. I was unfaithful... but I love him. He says so... he knows... he knows.... He rocked a bit, no longer fighting back the tears.

...you lied to me.

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