Beginning of the Old
I can fix up my post if I need to or if I do something wrong. / Word Count: 514 (5 points)

The sun hanging in the sky, but the day was still young and the heat had not yet set in. Songan moved over into the shade so that he was prepared for when the sun was at its highest. He carefully slid off his ride and took his satchel that carried all of his tools and began to get to work. Why not do something productive while he was waiting. A soft neigh emitted from the horse’s lips as the male sat down under the tree and looked through his bag. There were a number of things that he could make while he was waiting here, though he already had a plan on which project he was going to work on. A small bag necklace was pulled out of the satchel and laid down in his lap. It was going to be a gift, though it wasn’t finished yet. Songan searched his bag until he found some beads and began to weave them into the shape of a feather. Perhaps if his younger brother was here, he’d be able to find some little use for this. It wouldn’t make sense for him to make something that was never going to be used.

The scent of the old began to come to his nose once more and the moments passed on. Songan’s golden gaze looked up as he set hit items aside and moved out of the shade. It looked like someone had taken notice to him, but he would never expect a welcoming like this. As the figure on the horse came closer, it became clearer of who this luperci was. It was his younger brother Dawali. What a stroke of luck that family would be the first thing he found when he made contact with the AniWaya tribe.

Songan was a bit curious as to why his brother would not join him on the ground when he was greeted and wondered if something was wrong. His brother looked fine from the distance that he could see him so he was sure it wasn’t something he needed to worry about. Instead, he cloaked his slight worry with a smile. "Hello Dawali. It sure has been a while hasn’t it?" The male’s tail swayed back and forth as he nodded. "Yes I did. I worry about my family. I wish to make sure that you are all alright." He gave a small chuckle before moving to his brother’s side and turning his head up to the other male. His mind seemed to go into a trance to his brother’s question. "To be honest Dawali, the Great Tribe is not fairing very well. There have been a number of attacks and I fear something will happen." Songan moved back over to his things and began to gather them up. Since someone was here, there was no need for him to be resting anymore. He called his horse ever and got up, swinging his satchel over his shoulder. He moved once again to his brother’s side, though at his height this time.


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