Anyone out there?
Bahaha, Barrett just took up residence in McNamara earlier this week since he figured he'd get peace and quiet here... hopefully he won't be too cranky xD

Barrett had been snoozing on his cot in the back of the plane when he heard something too big to be a rabbit or squirrel moving around outside. The idea that his previously deserted retreat had suddenly become the new hot item was so unappealing that he lay there with his eyes shut for several minutes more, as if willing the sound to be a figment of his imagination or that of a canine simply passing through. When the soft rustles ceased, it seemed for a moment he'd gotten his wish, but by now he'd been sufficiently roused from his slumber and felt obliged to investigate.

One dark hand rose and drug over his face as if to wipe the sleep away, and then his pale yellow eyes fluttered open to behold the soft metallic glint of the cabin's roof. He rolled onto his side and swung his feet to the floor while stretching his back and itching absent-mindedly at his neck. He yawned quietly and cast a wary glance at the early morning sun, whose rays peaked through the tiny, dusty windows. Still weary and half-dazed, he grappled for another minute with the irresistible urge to flop back over and catch a few more z's, but curiosity got the better of him and he rose to his feet at last.

Emerging from the half-battered shell of the plane into the crisp morning air, the yearling wasn't exactly sure what he expected to find, but he soon got his answer: a gaunt, nervous looking fellow was nearby. It didn't take his nose long to figure out why he seemed so apprehensive--this coyote bore no affiliation to Crimson Dreams, and he could not have simply been a new recruit because he carried neither of the leaders' scents. "Hey!" he barked suddenly, a little shocked and irritated that it wasn't even a pack member disturbing his solitude so early in the morning.

It was debatable whether Barrett was more upset that the other man was on pack territory unannounced or simply because he liked to think of McNamara as his own. The chocolate male advanced towards him, eyes sharp, ears pointed forward, and hackles raised. It was a display of dominance more than aggression, and he stopped several yards away, looking the stranger up and down. Despite their age gap, the coyote was noticeably smaller than him, and--he had to admit--seemed mostly harmless. Nobody owns the Earth, his bisabuelo's voice further reminded him. "What's the big idea?" he pressed, though the aggravation in his tone had already fizzled into mild frustration.

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