Anyone out there?
Haha, your post made me think about it and now I wonder if I should talk to Erin or Alli about maybe getting a scale bar on the CD map, since I just realised everything does appear deceptively close o_O (Though I guess they'll see this when they come to accept you xD)
Anyway, I got curious and decided to do some image processing with ImageJ: looks like based off of the scale on the board-wide map, the McNamara field is at least a mile and a half inside the borders at the closest point. Also, from the furthest southwest corner of CD to the furthest northeast is about 37 miles :o -Useless-
But, er, yeah.. -Will stop nerding it up and post now.- <<; It's not really important, I'm just anal about these things... all maps should have scale bars ;~; Anyway, feel free to edit "leader needed" into your title or subtitle somewhere Big Grin Also I think this is most I've ever babbled in the OOC part of a post o_o

Although Barrett's outward appearance didn't change any, he was secretly relieved when the lean stranger's voice steadied and he got to his feet. As much as Savina might not like a trespasser, he didn't think she'd care for her members terrorising potential recruits, either. The wolf watched intently as the coyote checked his bag and he found himself wondering what sort of items this Rook kept on his person. It was only a casual curiosity, however, and he did not see it fit to ask. Barrett often carried his own bag, and though it was mostly filled with things of little consequence--some dice, a worn pack of playing cards, a few sheets of paper with a pen and some ink--he would still consider it a violation of privacy if anybody demanded to know what was in it. His was tucked away in the aeroplane, in any case, but he saw no reason to fetch it--it would be safe there for now.

"Got separated, eh? Well, I hope everything's alright with your folks," he offered, since it didn't sound like this separation was entirely voluntary. "Anyway, I think you'll like it here. This crew's pretty tight knit--mostly the Marino family, but they're welcoming of floaters like us, too." Like us. Now that the drama had simmered down, Barrett was beginning to see their similarities: they were both lean and socked (Barrett's black for his red), both carried bags, and both sported cargo trousers in some form. There were differences, too, of course, but these all seemed inconsequential. The other's species, while it may have been a source of scorn from others, barely registered on his radar. Barrett had grown up in the company of wolves, coyotes, dogs... even a dingo and an African wild dog were somewhere in the mix. Rook seemed pretty timid, but for now the chocolate youth attributed this to the less than ideal way they'd met.

"Oh, you like the plane, huh? I suppose I could show you around once we're all squared away." A shrug, and then he continued: "You think that's cool, though, you ought to check out the ones in Halifax. They're still in one piece and there's dozens of 'em. Can be kinda tricky to get in though," he said, remembering how most were inaccessible for their height off the ground. "Anyway, hang on a sec," he said. They were getting close to the borders now and he decided they were in the clear to request the presence of a leader. His message was simple enough: New recruit. Heading due east toward the manor. He listened for a reply in the background, but turned most of his attention back to his jittery companion.

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