Anyone out there?

Word Count → 288

Hello there! Big Grin

Savina was not a morning bird, and never had been. Admittedly she was keeping more regular hours than she had before she had become a leader, but when the howl reached her ears she had still been asleep. The Consul groggily opened her eyes and lifted her head as it took her longer than usual to process the meaning of the short, informative summons. It was Barrett—that much she could tell right away—and it was something about a newcomer and them coming towards the manor. Sleek jaws opened wide in a yawn before she lazily pushed herself up onto all fours and shook out her deep ebony pelt. Something was mumbled under her breath about others needing to keep reasonable hours as she exited the room she shared with her mate.

The Marino matron exited into the crisp morning air and decided to shift into her two-legged form. For one it would help wake her up, and secondly it would give her more time until the rendezvous with Barrett and whomever it was the younger wolf had found and brought with him. Admittedly the transformation took barely any time at all, but Savina did feel a good deal more alert after it was completed. Wavy tresses were pushed back behind her triangular ears as she made her way west to meet up with the pair.

By the time the two figures came into sight the Dreaming alpha was feeling much more like herself and a pleasant smile found its way onto her muzzle as they came close enough to talk without shouting. "Good morning Barrett," she said nodding to the Veles. "And who do we have here?" Emerald gaze now settled on the coyote with curiosity.

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