Anyone out there?

Barrett and Rook continued to push east, hugging the intangible line that separated the no-mans-land of Ethereal Eclipse from Crimson Dreams territory. Eventually their conversation died down and they walked in silence, but it was a comfortable one that was not awkward (at least on Barrett's end, although the coyote seemed more at ease now, too). After some time, the breeze shifted and he scented the Italian matriarch nearby. After giving a quick reassuring nod to his companion, he smiled and swung his tail as Savina appeared around a bend in the trail.

"Hey, Savina," he greeted cheerfully, just barely resisting the urge to babble on about how he'd met both her brother and sister recently, or how he thought he'd make a good carpenter alongside Ehno. It would have to wait. There was business to be done and for official matters it was best to observe decorum. Dark chocolate ears fell back to half-mast and his tail lowered in deference, and he offered a quick nod before replying to her query.

"This here is Rook," he began, figuring names were a good place to start. "He's been travellin' for awhile and now he's fixin' to settle down," he continued, repeating a tale as old as time. "Says he's lookin' forward to a new family," he concluded, figuring this would tug on the right strings for the family-oriented Alpha.

Of course, he made no mention of the yote's trespass--there was no need to complicate matters and it didn't matter anyway. After the fright he'd caused the other male, he felt obliged to put in a good word. Rook didn't seem like the sort to hold a grudge, but Barrett caught his eye and peered at him expectantly, a silent question written on his face: Truce? Less than a second later the look was gone and he turned his attention back to Savina, awaiting her judgement.

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