Anyone out there?

Word Count → 320

No worries, I think it was fine! :3

She was glad to see that Barrett was settling in well; he already seemed quite at home here in the Dreaming pack again. The matriarch was doing her best to keep an eye on him without being overbearing or getting in his way. He was a grown wolf and could clearly take care of himself and his affairs, but she still had promised her friend to look after her son and it was a promise she fully intended to keep. Now was not the time for personal affairs however and Barrett quickly introduced the coyote and spoke of what he was here for. It was at times surprising when the smaller canines chose to seek homes outside of Inferni, but the clan was an intimidating place and this particular man did seem a bit on the nervous side. He showed her all the respect her position required though and she did not foresee any reasons that he would not be welcome to join their ranks.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Rook. As I'm sure Barrett told you, I am Savina Marino, the leader here. If you're looking for a new family, then you have come to the right place." Family was held in the highest esteem by the Marino matron, and she extended that opinion to the whole of her pack and not just those who actually shared her blood. "I must ask what it is that you can offer us in return for a home though. Do you have any particular skills or areas that you exceed in?" Her accented tones were soft and calm as she spoke, wanting to assure Rook that there was no need for him to be afraid in her presence. Some alphas liked to play the intimidation card right off, but she only used it when she had to. Crimson Dreams was not a place of fear, but a place of peace.

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