Anyone out there?
Short post is short, but Barrett doesn't have much to do right now anyway XD ... decided to beef it up a little though 'cause I felt bad :X

Barrett was an adaptable creature and he found life in Crimson Dreams very agreeable. The atmosphere laid comfortably betwixt the two extremes he'd encountered earlier in his youth: the rigorous Taijitu and the lenient Outpost. It was easy enough to find privacy but it was good to know if some rampaging loner ever came and cut his head off somebody would notice, too.

Speaking of decapitation, even if Rook's nose had missed the Dreamers' scent marks, Barrett didn't think anyone could miss the imposing visual cues left by Inferni. The piked skulls that dotted their borders were more than a little off-putting and based on Anselm's depictions of the clan as a rough and rumbling place, this mild coyote wouldn't be well suited for life there at all.

Meanwhile, he sort of assumed anyone of sound character and able body would be welcomed in Crimson Dreams without prejudice. He personally thought Rook would get along just fine here without becoming a burden (he had fed himself the whole time he was on the road, right?), but he said nothing for it was not his place.

Instead, he listened quietly as the sable matron inquired about his abilities and strengths. His head tipped to one side as he awaited the wanderer's response; would he find any more commonalities in their interests?

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