On the search

He nodded at his thanks, adding the possibility of pups to the mental note of the sister’s description. “I will keep my eyes open for her, then.” The Marino would be true to his word. He knew what it was like to have a sibling up and disappear without a word. Ghita had a soul made for wandering just as much as her brother, if not even more so. She had disappeared from the Dreamer’s lands once before, and Ehno had tirelessly searched high and low for her. She had since returned and seemed keen on staying permanently nowadays, but every so often Ehno couldn’t prevent the fear that she may vanish once again.

With that, the Takekuro man swiftly moved their conversation into a new direction. Amber eyes observed him taking up the heavy satchel from the ground, curiosity soon satisfied with the Miracles wolf’s explanation. He spoke of the potential for trading, offering up leather goods, clothing, and wool. He made a request for metal items, and Ehno tilted his head slightly as he thought on it. The only metal objects he could recall were his tools. “Were there any specific metal items you had in mind? I’m sure someone in the pack could have something you’re looking for.” It was possible some of the other Dreamers would be eager for a trade. All it would take was a little asking about.

“Personally, I have some wooden trinkets I could offer, a surplus of prepared wood, and a few extra woodworking tools. Or,” he continued, one hand pushing his bangs from his eyes, “I would even be willing to offer my services as a carpenter to your pack, should you ever need anything repaired or constructed.” It was an easy enough offer for the Marino; he loved his hobby, and any opportunity to put it to use was much welcomed. Even better should he be able to benefit both packs in the process.

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