Anyone out there?

Word Count → 343

I'll go ahead an request you be titled up, so feel free to start posting elsewhere in the packlands Smile

Rook appeared to be incredibly polite and well-mannered—which was already raising the Consul's opinion of him. Unfortunately since the events of the past winter the usually trusting Marino had become more suspicious and wary of outsiders but there was nothing about the coyote that made any red flags pop up in her head. In some ways he almost reminded her of her daughter Cambria, due to his apparent shyness. It was almost impossible to imagine him as any sort of threat which greatly reduced the woman's defenses; she felt no reason to be on edge. Unfortunately that did not seem to be the case with the poor newcomer as he stumbled over his thoughts and words as he replied to her question. Savina made no move to interrupt him, or to signal that he needed to be quick about his response, Rook was free to take his time and say whatever it was he wanted.

His skills would surely be of a help to some of the members of the pack, her healer daughters and Anu particularly came to mind. What truly struck her was how desperate he seemed to want acceptance. The poor things must have been alone for a while now. She was glad that she could help put an end to his solitude. "Your knowledge of plants will certainly come in handy; two of my daughters are healers and certainly would be happy to hear of your own expertise in the matter of plants. Anything else you can contribute will be welcomed as well, but do not worry, we do not expect any of our members to move mountains," she said with a kind smile. "I trust your promise, I don't think you will disappoint. Welcome to Crimson Dreams Rook. You're welcome to set yourself up wherever suits you. Many of us live in the manor, but you don't have to do the same by any means." Savina loved the community and bustling nature of the large house, but she understood some people desired more privacy, such as Barrett.

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