It Cuts Deep


"No," he countered forcefully, keeping his grip on her tight, but gentle enough that she would not find it a threat or a means to hold her there. If she truly wanted out, she would have pulled free already. "I will not forget you. Zhere is no forgetting." How could he just forget about her like she had been nothing? It had been too long and too beautiful for the man to ignore the time spent together, the time spent living in love. It had been too long and too memorable for him to just put it away like some old toy, never to be played with again.

Anatoliy looked at Anann, watching her as she realized what he had placed in her hand. He almost smiled as she inspected it, her own face almost lighting up. But she forced it back and he forced his down, too. He had let go of her arm, to let her know that he was not keeping her there. And that she was free to inspect it all she wanted; it was hers. She seemed genuinely impressed by it, or rather, that she liked it quite a bit. Yet she did not want to accept it. She tried to put it back in his hands, but he refused to take it, clenching his fists. "No," he said again, just as forcefully. Anatoliy was adamant that she not give it back, that she keep it.

He gently closed her fist around the charm, the chain dangling under her hand. With both hands, he surrounded her's, cupping it and patting it slightly. "Zhis is not a gift for zhe vone. It is a gift for you. Zhe greatest gift I can give zhe voman I am meant to be vith is somezhing I have already given you," he said as he tried to smile, but it came forced behind his heartache.

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