(J) Through the eyes of a pup
OoC: woo! ^^

Taliesin watched intensely, and when the mouse came into his range he pounced on it imitating what he had seen. Admittedly, the mouse was neat, and he did enjoy attacking it, but he still wondered what prey was. Maybe it was like the mouse, small and furry. The thought went quickly from his head as he spotted another mouse, this one he would catch! Getting down low he stalked, somewhat awkwardly, towards it; when he was close enough he hunched even lower building power in his legs like springs. The mouse noticed the movement of some grass and started off just a half second before Taliesin lunged. The pup slammed his face into the soft earth, the mouse no where in sight, and tumbled. Confused he looked up in surprise and started sniffing for the rodent, quickly finding a hole. "HOLE!" he yipped, and right away he went to digging.
Digging was always a delight, and the things one found while digging was always interesting. White paw soon turned brown as the pup joyfully dug into the soft spring soil. What fun! In a matter of minutes his face was covered, as was his belly and fore-legs. He had just been cleaned, and already he was dirtier than he had been to begin with.

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