Casa, Dolce Casa
ooc: hope you dont mind me joining in Smile

Emerald orbs observed the landscape around them before falling onto the sleeping man that looked so angelic in slumber, a complete opposite to how he was in life but for a second Malignant could pretend he was the perfect mate, loving and caring and kind. But alas it was not to be, he was who he was and she loved him regardless even though he felt nothing much more than possession for herself. She fingered the spiked collar around her neck and sighed gently, ears twisted when a scared yell met her ears and she turned around poking Shurui in the ribs with a long finger,

"Shurui, get up! Something's going on." Gray wolfess pulled herself to her feet and left the white male to climb to his own. He didn't look happy about the interruption but looking like they were worried and had come to investigate an apparent distress call would put in good feelings for them. Icy blue eyes were still half asleep as they took in the8ir surroundings, the pair had decided to camp out just outside the small village for the night, they still hadn't settled and felt wierd moving back into a house from the outdoors. The black masked, collared female was out in front for once as her white companion struggled to wake himself up, Shurui always had been a lazy riser.

They could now hear panicked words painted with fear, obviously male in origin and the white demon snorted at the pitiful display before shoving a look of worried curiosity onto his muzzle, actor's mask in place. He overtook the female with a pointed look at her, he was in charge so he lead. With one last eye roll to the heavens he leaned his body into the doorway sighting two other males in there, one who was piking himself up from the floor, the one who had cried out obviously and another stood holding what Shurui recognised as a cane with a sword,

"Everything alright in here?" Lifetime practiced concerned tones filled his voice and his eyebrows were pinched together slightly.

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