Time for reflection

You're fine! 471

This whole encounter was beginning to turn more awkward by the second. It was very visible the way her uncomfortableness shone through her physique, and Helios could tell the way his jade eyes roved her figure made her feel more sketchy than she should have felt. Yet another thing to feel guilty about, as he finally casted his eyes off to the side and away from her. Comforting that the action really was a foolish mischance of his wandering, the D'Angelo sighed and nodded in silence. They shared their moment looking at the remnants of the tent, the pale woman reassuring it was better the tent was in shambles than bearing any telltale wounds upon herself. That was something Helios could certainly agree on, and began to convince himself it was just a mere accident. No harm, no foul, but Helios wanted to make it up to her somehow for his clumsy mistake. What could he do? Write a song about her, as the stranger she was? Wine and dine her? Kneel down on a knee and express his deepest gratitude? It was already awkward enough, and Helios wasn't particularly good at these kind of things when dealing with females. Their entire species was confusing and uncharted to him, thus leaving him quite vulnerable to much of the feminine charm and magic.

All of a sudden, the situation changed. It seemed like the pale woman obtained some newfound confidence, strutting over to the tent and nudging it a little with her slender foot. Expressing how she was actually glad the makeshift refuge was destroyed (and apparently some not so appealing memories of mating were attached to it), Helios' eyes blinked as there was a gleam of assertiveness suddenly taking captive of her gaze, and even captivating him with surprise from it. The pale Luperci would be known as Amy, or actually, the Amy that was previously shifty and uncomfortable in his presence. Now, this new Amy was forthright in her stance, addressing him with an insistent tone and commanding voice. The sheer confidence of hers shone through suddenly, like the previous Amy was only but a phase. Blinking several more times, Helios wasn't quite exactly sure how to react. "Excuse me?" The D'Angelo said, as if what she told him was offensive. His mind was trying to catch up with making sense of this situation, to which he couldn't find any sensible solutions. "Who are you?" Helios finally asked, shaking his head.

Okay, maybe it's time you leave… screw chivalry, it's been dead for decades, and this woman is clearly bipolar or something… While his subconscious beckoned him to turn and leave now, there was a part of him that wanted to stay. A part of him that he didn't want to admit to stay and see where this was going.

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