Align my heart, my body, my mind [aw]

Seeing his remorse let down her guard for a moment, and her eyes softened. Oh, how she wanted to go back home with him and have everything be okay. But was never there. He never tried. He had his own life; she was an accident, an inconvenience that Lolita left him. She wasn’t meant to be the loving daughter. He had other children for that. The thought almost brought tears to her eyes. As he kept talking she wanted to burst into tears, but her stubbornness kept her eyes dry.

“Why didn’t you care? I know that I wasn’t supposed to happen, but you didn’t even tell me about that other kid…It's like I stopped existing… what else was I supposed to do,” her voice cracked. This was the last thing she needed. Magnolia couldn’t deal with this. “I don’t even know its name,” she said, thinking of Niro’s new addition, with nothing but bitterness spewing out of her mouth.

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