(J) Through the eyes of a pup
Deuce yelled again, waving the branch. Git! GIT! I ain't hurtin you baby, you get away from mine! She saw Tal move away quickly and kept between the momma bear and her son. A thunderous grown rose in her throat and she suddenly leapt at the bear, seeing that it was still going to hurt her son.

She dropped the branch.. She'd only been using it to look bigger anyways. Her claws extended, she slashed at the bear, snarling. She felt redhot pain as the ber slashed at her, but she managed to sink her claws into a venerable spot in it's face. She didn't wnat to kill it, just make it leave. The bear screamed in pain and pulled away. She herded her cub away.

Deuce stood there for a moment, panting. She then turned and grabbed a leaf of the elephant ear plant nearby and pressed it to her wound, easing to the ground. Musn't let Tal see her bleeding. Though the boy probably saw the whole thing, dangling bear eye and all. She looked around and saw some aloe nearby. She picked that, crushing the leaves and spreading it on her wounds. She could sew it when she got back to the den. luckily it was nearby.

Taliesin Dir Rhiannon, you can come out now. the bear is gone.

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