(J) Through the eyes of a pup
The pup moved out of his hiding spot and came to her, tail tucked between his legs, ears laid back, and as much of a sorry look as he could manage. He could see that she was hurt, but at least she was alive. The pup nuzzled her apologetically and rolled onto his back. He knew now that going after the scent alone was a bad idea, and he was fairly certain that the beast had indeed been danger. Taliesin would have to be more careful in the future!
But at least he had a name for the scent, a scent he intended to avoid at this point. Bear, a creature he wasn't soon to forget! It made him wonder what else might be scary, or hurt his mum; was everything like that? Mice were scared of him, as were voles, so what set the difference between him being afraid and them? Then it hit him, the biggest difference was size! He was much larger than a mouse, but the bear had been much bigger than him. So things that were bigger were bad, but smaller things were okay. That squared away in his mind he went back to being sorry.

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