(J) Through the eyes of a pup
The boy remembered the story, and it was brought poignantly to mind. "Sorry" he murmured as he lowered his gaze. He had been warned, and now he knew better, and that's how the learning curve goes. Learn from your mistakes he remembered being told over and over, and he intended never to make that same mistake, bears would be avoided! The puppy did his absolute best to look sorry, but now that the worry had passed he didn't much feel sorry, what he felt was like pouncing on the bug in front of him. It was a big yellow grub of some kind, but he fought hard to not attack it, he was supposed to be paying heed to mum. Most of what she was saying was being completely ignored though, but it was the same things he had heard before.
Previous thoughts of the wrongness of killing also fled his mind. He was, in the truest fashion, distracted by the present to worry about the future. A puppy would be a puppy as it were. Finally his want to play got the better of him and Taliesin pounced on the grub, flipped it up, and caught it in his mouth. A neat trick to be sure, but the grub tasted like, what he imagined, the underside of coyote dung. Gagging he spat it out and the little worm went on its way, a bit perturbed but no worse for wear. The pup tried desperately to clean his tongue with his paw, but to no avail, the taste wouldn't come out.

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