(J) Through the eyes of a pup
She knew it was old news to the boy...but the mother couldn't stand the thought of losing him. He was her son. he wonder lovely son. He was a child concieved of love. Unlike Dierdre who's been concieved in lust, or Shadow, who was concieved of rape. Taliesin and Noah were concieved of love.

Bi-colored eyes were distand and thoughtful as the boy played with a grub. Strange...he was concieved of a love..which had fallen apart. Somewhere. She didn't know where. Noah had spoken of Colibri beofre. She wondered if Taliesin had met her before too. She didn't ask, though. If he'd met her, he'd say so. Eventually. He was a lot like the male who raised her, the male he'd been named after. Taliesin Dir had been his name. He'd looked like the boy too. minus the eyes. Her adopted father's eyes had been green. A bright acific green. Like Sorans.

Was what lucifer said true? Was she still in love with Soran? Maybe...maybe a little.

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