Not sure if I can trust again
Word Count: 520 (5 points)

Songan could feel the tears of the she wolf soaking his shoulder, though he didn’t mind. She looked like she could use this and he was not about to turn down his kindness to her. He relaxed his body as he continued to rub her back. He could feel her crying beginning to stop. A warm smile formed on her face, glad to see that she seemed to be feeling better and happy that he was there to help her calm down. He would keep her here like this for as long as she wanted. He wanted her to feel safe with him and not that he would harm her in any way. Even if he wanted to, he was too old to be doing that sort of thing. He just wanted to settle down with his family and work on his crafts. He nodded as the she wolf spoke and pulled away from him. He looked worriedly into her eyes. They were golden mixed with the red from her tears. He formed a frown on his face as he brushed away what other tears she had on her face away. He formed his smile again, hoping seeing it would make her feel better.

The male’s golden gaze watched as the she wolf buried her face back in his shoulder and told him that she didn’t have a home. He folded his ears down as he held her again. Perhaps that was why she was out here cleaning herself. She was cleaning off the scent of being alone in places not even others would consider a home. His gaze moved to her as he thought of an idea. "Why don’t you come stay with me Amaterasu? I won’t be a bother at all. You’d be welcome to stay as long as you want and I could help you find a place to call home." The old wolf felt bad that such a lovely she wolf did not have a place to live. He moved his head back as she pulled away from him again. If she wanted, he could even take her back to his little home. He would have to set out another thing of pelts for her, but he had plenty in case he had gotten more company. As the male turned his attention back to Amaterasu, she gave him a quick peck on the cheek and then moved back to her position. He gave her a bit of a surprised look before returning to smile to his face and shook his head. "No no, it’s alright." He could tell she was a bit embarrassed about what she had done, though it really was no big deal. "Well, if you would like Amaterasu, I could show you to my home, even if you don’t decide to stay, you’ll know where it is and you’ll be welcome to come by anytime." His gaze turned to the banks as he noticed Rain had wandered off again. He whistled for the silver dapple and she came back to the bank, waiting for him to come to her.


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