remembering how to smile


The stranger’s sudden, surprised reaction brought forth warm laughter from his chest, which mingled in the air with the flighty, nervous laughter of the coyote. “Ah, I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist,” he said, offering him a playful wink. There were times where Ehno revealed that he was a prankster at heart, always eager to set surprises into motion or to dive into a little good-natured teasing every so often. His siblings knew this well, especially during their puppyhood where they would find themselves the victims of his jokes in between bouts of playtime. Usually the Marino saved his jokester ways for those who knew him well, but once in a while an opportunity such as this would present itself and he would spring eagerly into action.

It was, of course, all in good fun, and with the good-natured smile still upon his lips, he hoped to convey that to the stranger standing before him. Chocolaty ears twitched slightly at the sound of his words, taking them in with interest. The Marino shook his head. “Oh, no, you’re fine.” Ehno waved one of his hands, as if to scatter away the coyote’s worry. “As far as I know, there’s usually nothing going on around these parts. You can shout into the caves to your heart’s content.” Amber eyes swept briefly towards the nearest of the tunnel entrances. The Marino liked to come here at times, and seldom did he find any of his packmates lingering about. It was a pleasant surprise to the sociable Dreamer to find that that was not the case today.

The Patrician’s attention returned to his coyote acquaintance once he seemed to regain his bearings and began to introduce himself. There was something almost charming to the slight way he stumbled over his words, causing the Dreamer’s smile widen just a fraction. Piacere! Pleased to meet you, Rook. I’m Ehno,” the Italian introduced in turn. “Though I can’t say there’s really anything honorable about me. Just another simple member of the pack," he joked. "And welcome to our ranks, by the way. I hope you’re taking a liking to the place so far?” Ehno knew the feeling that accompanied settling into a new home. As an adventurous soul, it had been more exciting than intimidating, but he knew not everyone would feel the same way. He hoped that the newest addition to the family of Dreamers wasn’t feeling too out of place.


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