
Word Count → 351 :: I figured since I missed out on Teddy's AW, I'd steal this one. ;D

At this point, Matteo Trovato had become accustomed to the comings and goings of his packmates. He knew each face by heart now and could usually match a name to most of them. Those he couldn't were usually newcomers or the ones that rarely ventured out of their respective quarters. So of course, if a new face suddenly appeared amongst the usual crowd of wolves and other canines, Teo took notice. Call it Trovato instincts or even just a good eye for strangers, but the boy had always been able to pick strangers out of a crowd of neighbors.

So of course he'd notice the greyscale coywolf upon arriving home. He walked with a noticable limp, his left leg bandaged under his black jeans. The night before had proven... interesting, and he was just arriving home from his misadventure now. Normally he'd have headed straight for the room, but the time of day suggested that Alaki might still be sleeping there... which would lead up to a situation the young adult wanted nothing to do with, especially considering his spear-induced injury.

Instead, he took the opportunity to avoid going home and headed over to greet the new face sitting off to the side. Wearing his black shirt and pants, his hair tied back into a neat ponytail and his paws covered in black leather luperci-made boots, Teo looked the part for a well-mannered pack dog. He figured he'd act the part to, as not to scare away a new family member.

Well don't you look happy. His Italian accented voice rang out just loud enough to hear, soft and young and just a bit shy. I've never seen you around before. Are you a new Zepar? A friendly smiled was offered, though if one looked close enough, it was clear that it was just business to the albino coydog. Making good relations with the people he had to live with was all part of the business game. The more friends you have, the less enemies. The less enemies you have, the more likely you are to rank up. Simple as that.

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