Burning Like Wildfire

*shame that her post was much smaller*

307 +3

Evelyn was self-trained to basically ignore everything around her, and though sometimes it was a bad habit, it was not entirely foolproof. So when a hairless finger was shoved near her face, followed by an odd noise from the finger’s owner, the girl jumped with shock, nearly making the ax bounce out of her lap. Luckily, she managed to grab it before it could have been damaged, and after making sure its sudden movement did not do anything to disturb it, she looked up to see who surprised her. Again, she felt surprised to see a hooded, masked figure before it, but this time she did not jump, just merely stare for a few moments like a deer in headlights. Usually it was the wolf-dominant hybrid that made the sudden appearances when meeting others, so being approached without warning was not something she expected on a quiet day.

She quickly gathered her wits and placed the unfinished tool on one of the steps of the short stairs, as well as setting the knife by it. “Hello, can I help you with something?” she inquired, tilting her head to the side as she gave a small, slightly nervous smile. Evelyn had no idea who this was, but since he smelled like Cercatori, she did not feel suspicious. But she surely felt uncomfortable, since he was wearing clothing that concealed him that were made for a colder day than this, which did strike her as curiously weird. Yet, she didn’t let it get to her; she had learned not to judge others. Who was she do so, how was it her place? Once she was the subject of prejudice and had scars to remind her of it, inconspicuously hidden thanks to the pale green shirt she wore, and knew how it felt to be criticized like it was an old friend.

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