M - running up that road

She didn't expect the approach of another as she sat, bringing the cool bottle to her lips in order to further fuel her alcoholic vices. Of course, it had always been that what she didn't expect happened. The snapping of dry branches made her look up sharply, crimson eyes narrowing into the fading light. Who was it? Who had decided to pester her? It didn't take long to see that it was only Hybrid. A sigh escaped the rusty-coated female, her eyes closing once more. His voice made her ears twitch briefly, followed by a drunken laugh.

"Not if ya join me, Hybrid." His niece's voice, while still fairly soft and almost dismayed, was set atop a bed of flirtation. She realized who he was. Oh, it was strange indeed to flirt with the uncle she hated so much, the uncle who — as far as she was aware — found females to be vile. Regardless, she gave him an affectionate smile and a brief wink and shifted ever so slightly to lean towards him. "Whaddya say?" One arm extended to offer him the bottle, though she expected he wouldn't take it.

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