Never More

It would be nice to have a female friend; there seemed to be far less complications with those these days. Naniko was able to have male friends and all and got along with them just as easily...but her sex drive sometimes got in the way of some friendships. She didn't mind either gender, but normally found males more easy to understand and manipulate if such a situation arose. In most cases, the males wanted it just as often as she did. Viking proved that often enough; she had him in her bed as often as she could.

"You bet" She said to the tired luperci, taking a few things from her and beginning to walk alongside her down the hall. They came to one of the last rooms and she stepped inside, grabbing a torch from the wall to light the one just inside the doorway. This illuminated the space in flickering fire, casing a golden sheen over everything that the light touched. "It's pretty big...I hope everything will fit, though. Do you have anything to sleep on? I have some spare furs"

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