Theres things inside me

She saw Demi on a semi-regular basis. Nani tended to keep in touch with her blood related family members more than others, especially ones that she knew before she had come to live here. Demi was one of the only ones left...Scorpius and Juju too. They knew how things had been in the last pack. But surprisingly, she hadn't noticed Teddy's scent on Demi. Maybe it was her own lack of sleep or the years of doing cocaine; her nostrils were losing their ability to smell with the same precision they used to be able to.

Her eyes widened when the fact was revealed to her that Teddy was the one who had put her neice in this position. Out of all of the times she'd spoken to Teddy, the many things that they had plotted and planned together for the pack...he hadn't told her of this?! And trying for pups, as well? She gave a small growl of annoyance. "Well..thanks for keeping me updated! Rrrr...If he doesn't get his act together and start feeding you more, I'll have to have a talk with him. We have food storage for a reason..he'd better be keeping it full."

"Tell him that I said to stop scouting so much, to stop with a few leader duties so that he can tend to you more. Those pups are important. And you are, too." She didn't like that she was seeing her family member in such a hungry state, not one bit. "Are you exercising? Being careful about what you do, now? You don't want to shift; that could cause you to give birth too early or kill the little ones."

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