Burning Like Wildfire
[html]ooc: No shame! Long posts are just the result of Daemon taking over my every waking thought--and my dreams. I am his slave.

The woman jumped as Daemon reached out, and he recoiled slightly, stumbling a few steps and then falling flat on his behind, baring his naked legs to the sun up to the knee. He yelped slightly as the welts there began burning and bled slightly, but he covered them again quickly, tucking his knees close to his chest and making no move to get up, instead sitting at her feet--like a student. His eyes followed the stone axe as she set it aside, but when her question came he let his arm come out of his cloak, pointing at it somewhat shyly and making a half-confused, half-curious noise. He'd never seen weapons made out of stone, despite metal being such a rare and prized commodity where he came from; they just...didn't use weapons. He found himself strangely fascinated with the stone she was molding.

He wanted to know how they worked. Rising, he patted his hips and thighs, as though he were wearing a belt or pockets, and chattered quietly to himself in thought. He didn't know how to initiate a trade, but he thought he couldn't do one without...well, something to trade. He shifted on his paws uneasily, and finally bent and peered closely at her, pointing at the stone axe and making a low, excited thrumming noise in his throat. Sky had helped him with his communication skills a little, but in moments like this, he was too excited to remember what she'd shown him.

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