Could it be?

WC: 500 Big Grin OOC: Woot, yeah its long and crummy but hey i hope ya still lub meeee

Niro did not know all that he thought he did, he knew of the boy’s death and that Argul would have killed her other pups if she hadn’t run but that was it.. If he had known of the other, he would be in a rage, he would tear through the lands looking for the disgusting animal, but as he didn’t know and he would leave everything open for Orin to speak about. She did somewhat, letting him know why she did not come to him and he knew she had been utterly scared, not for herself, but for her children.

“It’s ok, you’re safe now. He’s gone, your leader Skye told me after, someone had killed him and brought.... the other leader his head.”

Niro couldn’t say the man’s name, he still didn’t forgive him for taking Orin, as well as her innocence and giving her puppies which he could not protect, or probably wouldn’t protect. He smiled at his sister, happy she would at least stay for a little while. Then he could have Amaranth give her some lessons in self defense, which would easily make her more self confident. It looked like she needed it back, she was so deminished with out it. He remembered her so young that she would just walk up to random wolves,. thinking they might be her prince charming. In a way he wanted that Orin back, but he might not get that, though he wanted her to be self aware, and ready to go back out before she left him again. She asked the question he was sure she would ask and she seemed very uncertain. Oh how much he wanted her to rejoin his pack, and live with them again.

“You know how much that would mean to me, but you are not just my sister any more, you are your own person with her own pups. I will not make you stay in a place you do not want to. Vigilante said you were always welcome here, and I don’t think that’s changed since the last time we have spoke of you. Maybe if you want you can give him a visit, he would be very happy to know you are alive. Most everyone around was told that you had disappeared, I wanted to find you. My home is always welcome if you ever need it. You’re my sister and I can never turn you out. I wish I could have been the one to take that man between my hands and wrung his neck myself.”

He said, his last words were with venom, though randomly said as he felt the anger inside him, and how much he wished she had come to him first. He had personally been attacked by her own attacker, and felt that he should have chased the man down when he had the chance. He knew she had always been oblivious to him and what he had done for her in the past. He had killed for her many times, though she did not know it. He would not voluntarily tell her either. He would probably take that to the grave knowing only one other person knew this little secret.

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