My fair Maiden

Sorry, it's short. Not a whole lot I could do ._.;

Word Count → 230

When I'm awake, I'm still dreaming.

She awaited for the cat to draw near, eyes wide and beginning to film over with tears. This was the end of the road, the pale girl was sure of it. Her body molded into the wall of dirt behind her, feeling her companion begin to wriggle out of the satchel. One dainty hand stopped him, knowing this was one battle that Tux could not save them from. No words were drawn from her lips, nothing but the silent screams that threatened her. The strong cat approached the edge of the ditched, licking its lips, muscles shifting as they prepared to pounce on her lithe form.

But then, she felt something grab her arm and lift it towards the sky, and Giselle didn't have much time to react to the forceful clutch. She heard a single word of instruction, and happily rose her other hand for whomever it was to grab on to. With the leverage, Giselle began to push herself up with all the girlish strength she could muster, awaiting for the pull from the stranger above her. It was then that she screamed slightly, as the cat jumped into the ditch, fangs bared. All the young girl could do was kick at it viciously with her bare feet, to stall it, still struggling to get herself up and out of the ditch and away from the vicious cat.

Image courtesy of Barbara Cannnela@Flickr; table template by the Mentors!

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