Feel the sun dance with the moon

869 words/ I hope you don't mind me placing the thread during noon. CORRECTIONS DONE!! And Kali is her ghost companion. I highly doubt that Daemon would be able to see or hear her, so he would think that Luna was talking with herself X3

The sun. One of the essential factros to allow life. It gave light and warmth, it gave life. This was the object of Luna's inspiration, the symbol with which she indentified the most. Although, this sounded quite contradictory because her name meant 'Moon', the symbol of night, darkness. Even her personality resempled the sun rather than the nocturne satelite.

But today her dear star was absent. In her place, there was the figure that had given her her name. The moon. The sun had disappeared a while ago, and on it's place there were several shiny dots spread all over the night sky. Luna walked -in partial darkness- between the old buildings of the enormous city in which she had spent the last two days, looking for useful medical supplies. During her stay there, she had found two crystal bottles with a cork cap and a crystal jar, in which she kept part of the plants that she had collected since several weeks ago. The most part of it had been thrown away because the dried plants had turned into thin dust. They were useless now. The rest of her newfound treasures consisted on several bandages and feathers, the last ones serving as a hair decoration.

But something else had resulted from her stay in this place. She had found a lavender plant in a patch of earth in the middle of that no-man's land, and with the help of some water and a big and empty tin, she had made a lavender infusion, just if in case. Besides, she had collected some of the flowers as well, which were kept among with the other herbs.

All of this was safely kept on her statchel as she exited the place, being able to walk without complications thanks to her sight, which allowed her to distinguish what surrounded her. Kali, her companion, had been strangely active during their stay in it. For example, she had been visible all the time, and her figure had been quite opaque, unlike her usually transparent silouette. But when she had decided to leave the city and began to walk away from it, the ghost, who was walking beside her, began to fade slowly. Luna asked her the reason of this change, but Kali only answered that it was the spiritual energy that lingered on the city. Period. Luna knew that the white whost would not say anything else, so she changed the topic to something else. And basically that was how they had spent their time while the sun settled and disappiered behind the horizon.

The pair strolled out of the city and into the forest, looking for a water fountain -or at least Luna did- to have a drink before laying to sleep. There was a stream running close by, so the chestnut female headed towards there.

"I told you, you should have taken something sharp. You know, to defend yourself."

"Why? I have my claws, i don't need anything else. Besides, I am not a fighter."

"Yes but...augh, whatever. Tell me, what is that lavender infusion of yours for? I can't smell it, so..."

Luna let out a giggle. "It is to relieve stress. You see, the smell is soft and relaxing, so it is helpful whenever a person feels anxious. It is also an antiseptic, an insect repellent, and hydrates the dried skin."
"Wow, that's a lot for such a simple plant.

"Hey! it is not a simple plant!".

Luna didn't reply anymore. They had arrived to a small stream, so the woman focused on the water. Unlike other wolves, when she was in Optime form she leaned at ground level to drink like she would do in either of her other forms, using her tongue to bring the water to her mouth, holding her necklace with one of her hands so it didn't get wet.

Shortly after soothing her thirst, she straightened, kneeling beside the water and sniffing the air. She wasn't alone, and the stranger was close by. Her ears perked up and smelling the air again. The smell of another wolf reached her nose, and when she spotted the source, she saw a dark figure, barely distinguishable from the rest of the scenery. The female smiled and collected her stuff, walking towards the figure. As she came closer, she noticed another figure behind the first one, which soon disappeared from her eyesight. For what she could see, the head of whoever was sitting beside the stream was of a very pale colour and the fetures were too thin, as if all the hair from that part was gone, which seemed more likely as she walked closer and saw the details less blurry. That canine was probably bald. However, instead of freaking out, she behaved as usual, leaving the issue for later. The dark faced female stopped a few feet away from the figure, with an uneasy Kali standing alert beside her leg. And, as usual, she introduced herself, with a soothing voice, letting herself be noticed in the darkness, surrounded by shadows. "Hello, my name is Luna...may i ask you what are you doing?" She asked with curiosity, smelling something that reminded her of wet hide.

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