Let's Gather Wood

Out of character text here.


Shiloh smiled at Ayasha's lick and pulled her into a small hug. "No its not bad that you don't remember. At times I wish I couldn't remember my family. It would ease my grieving." she said softly. She thought of Anya's words and smiled. "Anya told me to love you and protect you like I did her. You are my family now. As are Ralla and Leon and the Chief. I can't wait to see your siblings. Last time I talked to Ralla she was still pregnant." said Shiloh as they left her den. "Yeah I wont mind so rabbit. Come on. Lets go catch some." she said as she started to run off into the forrest around them.

The wind felt good on her skin and fur, her paws hitting the terra hard. The trees were a blur around her and as she ran she remember a time when Anya would run with her. She would miss her dearly but knew Ayasha would fill that void she had left. The pup had accepted her despite her past and her marred body. Ayasha looked past all that and still loved her and as Shiloh slowed she felt she owed the pup so much. She loved her so much and couldn't fathom a world without her. She stopped to catch her breath and waited for Ayasha to catch up knowing that hunting and teaching her the right woods would be fun. She would be needing a new bag soon but didn't know anyone who worked with leather. She would ask Ralla if she knew anyone as soon as she took Ayasha home.

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