just seen a face [j]
Happy Turkey Day :]

"Jasper de le Poer." The young male offered in return, inclining his head in a polite sort of fashion. Greeting people at the borders was not a task that he was used to, especially in a place such a this, so by his laid back sort of manner and less-than-serious attitude, it was evident that he was new to the whole thing. New and ignorant were two different things though and those who knew Jasper well might have mistaken him for the ignorant type. He'd picked up on the odd sound of the other male's voice, which was honestly hard to miss, but it didn't occur to him that anything might be wrong aside from a stressed throat or something of that nature.

"Depends." He answered honestly, staring at the other. "It's up to my Omega, really, but I s'pose if ya got some neat skills or something then there'll be a place for ya here." In other words, he needed to know those skills to ensure that it was worth calling for Hamlet. Jasper wasn't the type to make decisions on his own anyways, so even if the male didn't have any to list, he'd still end up calling for his Omega, he simply kept that fact to himself. It was curious, also, that Rusalki had yet to show up. His friend often didn't miss out on watching Jasper meet new people and the fact that this was his first experience at the borders only made it that much more odd.


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