Could it be?

ooc: We can either keep going and have them go find food, or wrap it up, whichever you prefer.


Orin nodded slowly, processing what Niro said. Yes, she was safe now. At least, safe from the threat of Argul. “I know... he... was killed. I didn't know the Cercatori leaders know he is dead.” She specifically dodged calling them 'her' leaders. “By happenstance it was a woman of Phoenix Valley, where I was staying, who slayed him. She came by the church shortly after. She still had... it.” Niro would understand. She meant that the woman, Jace, was still brandishing her well earned trophy; Argul's head. But referencing it in any more detail than that would bring the memories to the forefront again. Not that the thought of the fiend's disembodied head was a bad one, but it would remind her of the face that haunted her in her nightmares every night.

“So I know he is no danger anymore, but that doesn't make us safe from others,” she sighed. “If someone like that could have so easily walked into my home... my safe haven... what's going to stop others just like him?” She stared at Niro in desperation, her eyes thirsting for hope. Something deep inside of her screamed for her old self, too. For a self that could frolic in fairy tails and walk blind to the madness of the world. But she and Niro both knew that Orin was never coming back.

She fell silent and her eyes dropped to the ground, though she was clearly still listening to Niro as he went on. She laced her fingers together and wrung her hands, staring at them the whole time. “Honestly I don't know what I'm going to do. Since you'll have me, I'd love to stay with you while I figure it out. I don't know if I belong here... and I don't know if I can go back to d'Arte. I don't even know if I can face them, or be back in that place. Part of me feels like I have to though. My daughters... I can't keep lying to them. They already think their name is Moonsong-” she stopped abruptly, her eyes jerking to Niro. What would he think? Would he be angry with her for not teaching the girls of their true heritage? Not that either of them knew much about their lineage, but to some it might still be an insult.

“I had to. I couldn't have anybody following the name...” she tried to explain quickly, but something told her that Niro understood, so she dropped it unless he decided to press further.

It was a good thing she stopped, too, for it gave her time to let the sincerity of Niro's words sink in. She wiped at misty eyes again, though the drizzle made the gesture obsolete. This time the welling tears were not of sadness or pain, though. A somber yet genuine smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, and she met her brother's eyes. “Thank you, brother. Would you come with me to speak to him?”

Just then, one muddy girl that she vaguely recognized as Juliet appeared at her feet, yipping. “Mommy! Mommy! I'm so hungryyyyy!”

Orin turned helplessly back to Niro, laughing softly, “Well, can we get them something to eat, and then go see Vigilante?”


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