Oh some evil this way comes [aw]

No worries~

Why would someone have come here looking for that male? She didn't know that he had many friends...not many that she had ever seen, in any case. He was a member of her family that she had not bonded or connected much with during his time here. Part of the reason had been the newness of the pack, she felt; she had been quite busy. And the other part was probably due to his pups being born and him staying inside to take care of them.

"Well he's not here. He took off with some of the other members to form a pack up to the Northwest of here...around the other side of Inferni, from what they said. He didn't hurt you or anything, did he?" She inquired. "I didn't know him too well...for him being my family. But he, Eris, and their pups have left Anathema." Naniko informed the girl.

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