Under a Killing Moon

indent They were not safe. No one was safe. There was a madman out in the wild, one who had desecrated his holiest sign and the bodies of women and children. He knew that. No one would be safe until he found that man and cut him down. This was the fire in his blood, the steel in his sword. He intended to destroy the world to find him, as he had done before. God’s Voice would tell him what to do. The Voice had never led him astray before.

indent It was not until Jasper spoke his name that Gabriel froze. His eyes seemed to burn out before they changed—something subtle, not entirely there. Then he frowned and drew back, as of yet unaware he must have looked mad. His hair remained in his face and his right hand was balled so tightly into a fist it had begun to bleed. This released, causing drops of blood to fall into the sand, and with the confusion deep in his face he spoke again. “What are you doing here?”


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