I would like to join please
Lunatoke's eyes widened in awe as the four-legged creature approached. She knew the beast to be a horse, but had never seen one up close. She cleared her throat uncomfortably and bowed respectfully in her preferred canine form.
She had not expected to be greeted by the chief, and spoke nervously. "Hello," she started. "It's nice to meet you."
He said something about an injured leg, but she thought nothing of it except sympathy. She had injured her paw running away from the flames down south, and knew what it was like to need help getting around. She had never thought of using a beast, however. "There is nothing to forgive."
Now was the hard part. Lunatoke swallowed uncomfortably. "Yes, I would like to make a home here. I was the healer of my own tribe, or pack as you call them. I have been alone for a while, and would like to find a home before winter sets in. I feel that I could make medicines and such for your pack. I am a good huntress, and don't take up too much space." Lunatoke went down as far as possible, showing greatest respect. "Please let me join AniWaya!"

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