Burning Like Wildfire

OOC: Pfft, sudden spark of inspiration. xD I blame your wonderful writing that is awesome to respond to.


When Evelyn entered the towered-house, she was surprised by the large number of masks scattered around the premises, or at least what she could see. The windows, oddly, were covered with something thick, which she would later on find out on her own that it was leather. Because of the lack of light, the cool air sent a sudden chill down the girl’s back as the air temperature changed as she walked into the house. The place was most unlike her own; her house’s first floor was almost a single room, with a counter in a corner that showed it was once a store of sorts. The second floor consisted of a short hallway leading to two rooms, but Evelyn only used the master room, the other still covered in dust, and the areas of leisure─ the living and dining room─ were on the first floor, but almost unnoticeable when entering for the first time.

From what the hybrid could see in the dusky room, she spotted the table that was covered with objects that weren’t masks, and as she got closer identified them as belts. Daemon rushed over there before her, and Evelyn waited as he picked out the ones he wanted to trade with. They were notably white, seen even in the slight darkness; she did not know that hides were plain when first made into leather, but their color didn’t distract her for long. As she looked over them in an analyzing silence, she began to develop a likeness to this man’s craftsmanship, even if accessories were not in her realm of fondness; she wore human clothing for comfort, but dangling things that hung from the wrists and waist she found useless, other than her goggles.

“May I?” the girl asked politely as she stepped closer to the belts, wanting a closer look at the two; they both had their advantages and were different from one another, and made her choice difficult. If he allowed it, Evelyn held the two belts in either hand, her blue eyes following carefully over each. Neither were worse than the other in her eyes, so now she had to fall to practicality; the pouches were nice for carrying more items, but if she got the one with empty loops, she could place her personal tools there, leaving more space in her bag for objects. After another moment of quiet thinking, she tore her gaze from the belts with a smile, said decisively, “I like this one better, though both are wonderful,” and held the one with the loops higher than the one with the pouches.

Now it was her side she had to offer. She handed back both of the belts so her hands can be free as she dug in her bag. After a moment of contemplating, she brought out a few of her own creations, including the axe, all laid out on a cloth on a free spot on the table. They were all tools, since Evelyn seemed to think Daemon had taken interest in, but she also created all sorts of things besides that; if someone asked her to make a certain thing, she’d try to the best of her ability to craft it to the person’s words. What she showed was as followed: another axe, but this one was somewhat bigger, as if used for hunting instead of cutting wood; a short dagger that could be used to collect small plants, not very useful in a fight for its short stone blade; surprisingly a short-handled pickaxe, and how the wolf had managed to fit that into the bag was unknown; and lastly a knife that, instead of stone, was made with slightly rusted metal, recreated from an old one, similar to the one she had personally used, but much sharper.

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