Xoloitzcuintli character
There are other options you might try rather than mange -- non-communicable diseases, I mean. Sarcoptic mange is actually highly communicable in canines as opposed to demodectic mange, so the latter is still a viable option, but there areeee other diseases you can check out. Hypothyroidism is a potential way to go -- it seems to cause hair loss and could be mild enough to not significantly affect the dog's health otherwise, aside from perhaps general weakness and lethargy? Would have to research that a bit more.

With regards to dogs, I usually prefer that they're hybrids, myself. Kaena wasn't very well-designed when I first came up with her, but I figure her dog heritage includes a bunch of different crap. A NPC/adoptable I'm designing has at least six different breeds and knows only generic terms like he's a hound-shepherd mix. XD

If you were at all interested, I'd be okay with you designing a character from Eterne? ^_^ I don't have a way to offer a relative to the Eterne characters I currently have, unless you wanted a relative to Eris's NPC slave, Molca. Your character wouldn't have to be a slave; the rest of Molca's family (excepting her children and brother) were an upper-class family from that area. ^^ They speak Spanish, mostly, with a few words of Nahuatl mixed in for religious purposes and so forth.

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