Good House Hunting

Though Evelyn was having a fitful thinking about her taller form, she couldn’t help but be distracted by Slade’s tale. His story-telling voice almost made her feel like she was there; she imagined a male wolf striding in front of her, his stance stiff with maybe anger that there was a murderer in his pack, or perhaps anguish with the loss of his family. He could see the hurt in his eyes, but power in his voice as she thought up his speech, speaking words of hope and comfort. Then the other, the unnamed Mars, confronting the man, and it played out like a movie scene in her mind. She was never told stories, truth or fiction, as a younger pup, and this enthralled Evelyn that one could bend words into images in her mind. Though this tale sadden the hybrid, it made her hungry for stories, more words that created pictures in her mind. Oh, if only this Luperci could read, the places she could go without leaving far away, but yet she somehow just couldn’t read, not matter how hard she tried.

Completely forgetting about her earlier fuss, she replied to Slade’s question, “Yeah, I met her once, but it was very short and brief. The most I got was her name, and that she was the new leader and gardener for the pack.” Unbeknownst to Evelyn that the Captain was a mother, she found the woman to be pleasant, and now that she was reminded of her, hoped to meet her again and know her better. Maybe create something to help her garden that she described that she had right here in Thornbury, to show that she was grateful for her home in d’Arte. There was a pause in talking between the two canines, and Evelyn stared at the houses they were passing by, none of them yet sparking her interest; looking for an appealing home was harder than the girl thought, and probably a boring task to share with another, especially one who’d didn’t seem interested in them at all.

Without looking away from the building, she asked to break the awkward silence, “Anyway, I learned that when I joined, Cercatori d’Arte is a pack of many talents. What’s yours?” She was sure that the coyote hybrid wasn’t interested in her own abilities, but if he asked, she’d tell him; at the moment she wanted less attention on her, and more on Slade.

WC: 407 +3
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