I should've known the tides were getting higher

OOC: It's fine. +3

Mourn me down, down, into the ground
Save me, Save me, Save....

Mars had been so fixated on how he was going to cross this river and get to those deer that he failed to noticed that there was a man on the other side of the bank, paying more attention to him than to the deer. When he man called out to him, the deer heard the commotion and moved from their spot back into the forest. Mars flattened his ears as his eyes went from the fluffy butts of the deer to the rust colored face that had scared them further into the woods. Now he had to cross the water. There was no going around it. The man drew his hands across his chest and huffed. Mars had a dissatisfied look on his face as he stared hard at the man who made his dinner leave.

I was. he muttered, and snorted as he stayed mounted on his steed. The mostly husky man had still had his icy blue eyes staring at the braided fellow on the other side of the bank where the deer once were. He looked strange, like he was from a place he had not seen before. He was slightly curious but more so angry because he would not get a meal that big when he would go back to Dahilia de Mai. You scared them away. Now my family gets no food. the man called out to the other, huffing afterward. Mars also refused to cross the river. He was not stupid. He didn't want to get swept away by the river (like he would, where the deer had crossed it had been easy to swim across). He still was insecure about his swimming abilities and he was not willing to take chances. If it was still water and it was a lake, them maybe the story would be different, but that was not the case. If the male wanted to communicate over a closer distance, then the rust man would have to make the effort to swim across to Mars.

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