As the rein started to get heavier, Star was worried that Alae was not going to make it the whole way.The track didn't seem like it used to with the footing but Star did not want to tell her this so that she wouldn't worry. With Alae right beside her she had to be careful she was a leader at the time, so she didnt want to lead Alae to danger that she is Stars first friend. Although Star did not want to come to Alae being her friend She always did every thing herself. No was ever there for her."A sharp turn is coming up I'll take the lead, This is one of three Sharp turns, and by far the worse. Just stick with me and you'll be fine."

The place Star was taking her has only been seen by one being that she knew of and that was her. It's the most peaceful and beautiful place that one could be. She didn't want to tell Alae this so that way it would be the best surprise that Star could give to her.

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