
OOC here: Table & Coding © Zero; Yeah, that is what we had settled on though Ouija has never met Bart and doesn't realize Mars has DID/MPD; 344 words

He was glad to find the other approaching. It really would save the hassle of trying to explain why he was hanging around the borders to someone else. He wouldn't have to say that he wasn't of ill intentions. It really was so much easier to have someone that knew him approach. He lifted a hand and gave a wave to the other. Heck, he even reached out to try and hug Mars, though he knew the other wasn't really into touch but he had been able to get away with it on sparse occasions, briefly before he allowed his arms to drop back to his sides again. He had been about to ask the other how he was doing when he said the strangest of things. What did he mean that Mars wasn't there when he could see him standing right in front of him.

The confusion was probably written all over his face. "What are you talking about? You are right here." Certainly it hadn't been so long since they last talked that the other couldn't remember him, could it? "Has something happened?" His other thought had been spoken out loud. Had the other gotten injured to the point that he couldn't remember anything? Maybe he would have to speak with Krys and see what she knew. If he could help out then he would.

"I brought you something." The words were stated tentatively as he slid his satchel off. He knelt down in order to reach into the bag and pull out the furs. "Not as impressive as the other one but should work well for keeping the water out." He offered up the furs to the other and pulled out some of the jerky that he had made as well. "Doesn't taste too bad either." He held both the furs and the meat for the other male to take. He wasn't sure if his gifts would be accepted since the other seemed unable to remember him. He didn't know if he would still be trusted to not do any harm.

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