just seen a face [j]
you too :] gah i'm so rusty.

A troubled look was starting to haunt the young male's eyes. The other was introducing himself, but he couldn't hear anything, only a mumble, a vibration of what should have been words but instead reminded him of a bee. Awkwardly he half-nodded, half tilted his head, letting a tiny whine escape.

Samson hoped that would be the end of it, but of course, he was wrong. The male picked up again, and he strained, watching the other's mouth movements and trying to piece together with the intonation and the few sounds he heard. Funny thing though, about lip reading a were. It's close to impossible, given the unique shape of the muzzle. He hung his head. 'I'm sorry,' the were mumbled, flicking his right ear back. 'I can't-- I can't hear...' very well. But why try to exaggerate any ability left in his ears? Sell himself as completely deaf. Morbidity had never been his style, but he was tottering of the urge of a depression, and who could blame him? Besides himself. He picked his head up and bared his teeth apologetically.

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