A Place To Call Home? (Joining)
Maiyun took in the appearance of the male who approached her, the sight of his calm yet happy demeanor putting her ever more at ease. She smiled softly at him and somewhat nodded her head in his direction. It's nice to meet you, Ookami. My name is Maiyun Tala, the Tala part as a tribute of sorts to the pack family that I lost so many years ago. I was seeking a place I might call home and from the whispers I've heard, Phoenix Valley sounded like the place for me." She stretched a little, front legs digging gently into the earth beneath her paws. "I've heard good things from traveling wolves and searched for this place. Just when I thought I wouldn't find it, here I am."

A brief glimmer of hope warmed Maiyun's soul as she thought of the possibility of finding her siblings here. After all, she hadn't seen them since the incident that had taken away her family and left her to cope with things on her own. A flicker of sadness passed through her autumn leaf-colored eyes and just as quickly, it was gone. Was there hope that her sister and brothers were even alive? And if they were, would they even want to see her or would remember her? The group that had attacked them weren't too likely to have left them alive if they had given chase, something which Maiyun wasn't too sure if they'd done or not. "So, I guess I'm seeking a home, a refuge where I might feel safe and be able to relax."

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