We'll Be At This All Day
The hair in question was tussled alluring by the hand still buried within it, beautiful smile adorned her face for Gemma truly was a very beautiful and lovely example of the feminine form, she knew it and she flaunted it to the best of her extensive ability. Her eyes roved over his fancy and expensive looking clothes, obviously a man of excellent taste in fashion and attire. Her own sparse clothing were rolled up into a ball and stuffed inside of her satchel although she had no intention of putting them back on, eyebrows quirked sexily at his sly smile as honeyed tones responded to his words,

"Oh, well I don't want that then..." The whorish and moraless woman took a few steps closer to him, "..I shall be sure to wash it later..." Her voice tailed off the implication held within it that later may be some hours and quite a bit of pleasure away. Gemma did not know much of many languages but what she did know in bits and pieces allowed her to put together a basic idea of what he had said and she responded with one of the few phrases she could pronounce hoping that spanish was something he spoke, she added on a slight accent to make it sound more attractive and rough in a husky way,

"Gracias Senor." A small curtsy accompanied her words before she giggled cutely, "I must confess that is about all the Spanish I know."

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