Goodbye, my almost lover...
He stroked his finger over hers absently, his gaze only on her face. He swallowed; emotions weren't exactly something he was good with. Hers seemed to fluctuate wildly, which he supposed was understandable. "I always hated hearing that everything happens for a reason, that if it were meant to be it would be, or that Rhiannon wouldn't give me anything unless I reached out to take it for myself. I won't waste time saying those things." He bit his lip. "I'm not sure what to say to make you feel better, and I'm not stupid enough to promise things will get better for you." Being blunt was all he knew how to do, when he did speak. Neither his mother or his father were exactly great in regards to tact either, and both had at one time been either high ranked members or leaders of different packs. He did what felt right, what felt natural to him. He reached out and if she didn't pull away, he would lift her chin and look into her eyes.

"What happened to you is a shame, Miss Sky. But no one can help falling in love. Hell, my mother fell in love with a rapist. Twice. I fell in love with a crazy woman...her oldest son killed her and my other two pups." He paused, trying to bring himself back to her. "Sorry...what I'm trying to say is that life sucks sometimes, but if we let it get us down all the time we would never see the better things in life. Err... if we focus on everything we lost along the way, we'd never see what it is we have." He gave her a self depreciating smile. "I'm a writer, but I'm no good with the spoken words sometimes. So if I offend you, just slap me." This was said with a serious face, but a smile in his eyes.

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