[m]we watched him pour bad red wine into his head
His gaze travelled up and down her body igniting a rush of heat to wherever it was he was looking and in a matter of seconds her entire body was burning up with lust and want, making her wriggle her hips slightly at the deliciousness of it all. Blue eyes shone with an intense sapphire fire. She smiled seductively as he continued to gape quite comically at her and pale fingers moved to push locks of snowy hair away from her face. His shyness was cute and endearing to her, after realizing he was staring the poor male didn't know where to look. Her ears mirrored his own as they went back then turned forwards, her body shifted slightly and her tail wagged visibly behind her, she held no ill intentions towards him, only ones that would please them both very much, him especially and her body posture portrayed this in droves.

She chuckled in the back of her throat, "No need to apologize, the interruption is most.. welcomed." Honeyed tones teased the air between them, her body temperature noticeably increasing if one cared to touch her person. She was so close to him that she could reach out her hand and touch him and cloud white fingers twitched and ached to do so but she held back and tortured herself, loving the way it burned inside of her, the temptation being right in front of her. Tal was his name then, hmm it was a nice one too, it would roll off of her tongue very easily, she answered his almost asked question of her name,

".. Gemma. And likewise yourself." The unvoiced 'sexy' to the end of the sentence rang out unmistakably. She could sense his inexperience and shyness, most probably he was wondering to himself why she was so enamored by him and was coming on so strongly. There was something hidden in those eyes of his, something that called to her, regardless of his absolutely lovely white fur, something that trapped her there. Her tongue snuck out to lip her lips.

"Tell me Tal. Why is such a good looking fella like you..." She took a step closer to him and looked up through her lashes, "...doing out here all on his lonesome when he could be having sooo much fun with someone like me." Her words gave her daring and she reached out placing both of her petite hands flat against his chest.

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